I'm not sure who did it, but that has GOT to be the explanation for the influx of incompetence lately!
I have a sales rep who cannot, for the life of him, understand that I need him to email me the Microsoft Word document, so I can copy/paste the text out of it for his 6 page menu that he so kindly had inner-office-mailed to me in HANDWRITTEN FORM. Sweetheart, there are two designers for this entire company... I am NOT retyping 6 pages of handwritten wine list. So he types it up, prints it off... and scans it in, then emails.
FORREAL?! Is this a joke right now?!
It gets better... I explain once again why I need the Word document. Hang up the phone. Receive an email 30ish minutes later... it is every page of the pdf pasted as a picture into a 6 page Word document.
Lord please be with the starving pygmies down there in New Guinea. Amen (+10 pts if you can name that comedian)
As if that isn't bad enough, I've been beating myself up lately too!
I'm still nursing my LilWayne teardrop burn from the chandelier incident.
I have huge bruises on both my knees (one from the dashboard on my dads truck, because clearly I don't know how to properly get out of a truck anymore) and the other from who knows what??
I'm pretty sure I bruised my kidney when I dropped the soap in the shower and nailed my back on the soap holder as I stood back up... (yes, next time you're in the shower please think about this & try to figure out how I even managed that one... because I cannot comprehend it all I know is it let to a string of expletives)
Then last night in the shower I cracked my elbow on the stupid wash cloth rack thingy.
I'm so ready to get the heck outta dodge before I hurt myself anymore ha!
Awww Chelsea, you need a glass of wine. Make that a bottle.
The guy at work is obviously a moron. Sorry for your clumsiness, I am the same way, I end up with bruises in spots and am like "where the heck did that come from?"
Larry the Cable Guy I think right? LOL Sorry for all these things that have happened... you will be laughing about them soon enough while your all giving us the finger on the way to Vegas LOL
I think it is Ole Larry too. I laughed as I read that and immediatley heard him saying it. It does sound like a week from h.e.l.l. Haha. Fingers crossed for a better days ahead!
Yeah, I'm feeling you on this!! Today, I got stuck in the worse traffic ever...and all because I wanted to get some gas before heading out on my commute. FINALLY get to the gas station (which is literally 1.5 miles from my house and turned out to be a 20 minute drive) only to find out that the pumps weren't working. Shoot me in the face!
hahaha what a fool
Oh my word! I think Miss Chelsea needs a bottle from that wine list :) Hope things start looking up!! :)
Uh oh! Having a bit of a bad run! Hope things start getting better for you soon :)
Breathe. <3
Hey girl! Just leaving some love! :)
Do we work in the same place? For real! I have people just like that in my office...I'm always curious how these people ever got hired, and even more curious how our company is still running because of it.
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