So imagine my excitement when I came across Things 90s Kids Realize
Their fictional 'statuses' were cracking me up...
And they have excerpts that cover everything from Fresh Prince to Double Dare, "da bomb" to MarioKart ("If you and your friends have had a few drinks and aren’t sure who is in the best condition to drive home, battle it out on Rainbow Road."), and in all honesty it's just flatout hilarious... I highly suggest you check it out you'll probably be laughing all day like I was!
(No affiliation - I just like to share giggles!)
Hungry hungry hippos are more of an 80s thing but yea it went into the 90s. We had that when I was little so it was definitely out possibly even in the 70s. I was born in 78 =(
Bahaha how cute!
I love/loved the 90s. So much.
I love the 90s! So much fun!
I know what site will have my attention all day today. Thanks for posting; the 90's were by far the best!!!
Haha, I love these. I can't see a banana on the ground without thinking about squealing off the road.
This is awesome!!! I loved growing up in the 90's!
Thanks for sharing this! Made me smile this morning!
lol I checked out that site and it's soooo funny!!! Totally brings me back!
Ahhhhhhhhhh HILARIOUS! I loved the 90's.... love Woody's status bahahahaha
Grow Up Chelsea.
hahaha! Absolutely love this! Double Dare! I had SO forgotten about double dare!! Awesome.
hahaha i love this!
I always say I'm happy I wasn't born a few years earlier, I lucked out and barely remember the 80's. The 90's was def the place to be, I'll have to go check this out.
bahaha. I always told my boyfriend I'd let him be Happy Hippo if I knew him back in the day:)
hahahha ah-dorable :)
enter my GIVEAWAY ay-sap!♥
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