I hateeeee having 'credit card debt' hanging over my head, but everyone convinced me I should go ahead and do the "18 month no interest" financing, just so I can hang onto the cash in case something were to go wrong. I took their advice... and grumbled every month when I got those two bills ha. So I'm extremely happy to be down to one!
Can I get a mini hallelujah?!
That hallelujah is fitting, considering I got Jehovah'd this weekend. Nothing against them, I just don't prefer the door-to-door religion thing.
I woke up to a thunderstorm on Saturday and did a little sewing and crafting. I am working on a wreath for my front door... it involves burlap and a fabric flower... I can't wait to finish & share!!
I caught up with a friend over non-sushi sushi that night (I get a roll with tempura chicken and mango, it's heavenly)
I worked on my yard all day Sunday - and even developed a bit of a farmers tan. YES! We had a gorgeous weekend, full of sunshine and blue skies! I've got soo many flowers popping up, which makes me so happy! It's odd buying a house in the fall... you don't know what's gonna be on your plate come spring. I can say I'm pleasantly surprised so far!
This is my favorite bush, it's blooming a bright coral color right outside my sun room.
Russell is a fan of it too!
And I also made some super delicious chocolate chip cookies. I've been auditioning new recipes the past year or so... these may just be my favorite so far!
In fact, I'm eating a few right now for breakfast!
Hmm what else... oh yea, my plate wall in the dining room no longer exists... one plate crashed down yesterday shattering, so I removed the rest for now. I guess I spoke too soon about my love for CommandStrips!
Here's hoping my 4 day work week flies by... i can't wait to jaunt off to Vegas on Friday!!
YAY for paying off debt!! Its the greatest feeling. And those cookies do look heavenly. I'm drooling...and you think that wouldn't be the case after all the crap I ate for dinner last night. Send some my way yo;)
Holla for paying off debt! That is the BEST feeling! Hope you have a good short week you lucky gal!
Jehovah's stopped by my house this weekend too, only I wasn't home! :D
Paying off debt is such a great feeling!
Good for you for paying off the couch!
Sounds like a good weekend...can't wait to see the wreath!
Can't wait to see your wreath! I love burlap...looks so natural and earthy! And yay for paying off your couch! I'm proud to say I only have a small...er somewhat small...Von Maur debit to pay off currently! :)
Yay! I love to pay things off. And I can't wait to be debt free...years from now when I finally pay the last of my townhome off. ; ]
we actually just paid of our couch a few months ago and it really is such a nice feeling to get rid of that debt!
and btw those cookies look SO good.. I am now craving chocolate chip cookies haha ;)
Congrats on paying off your couch! I did the same thing when I moved and made the monthly payments until it was paid off but before the finance charges kicked in. I am not a big fan of racking up credit card bills either, but it seemed to be the only way I could afford new furniture after purchasing a house!
Congrats on paying off the couch!
Those biscuits look soo good!
Yayyy! Congrats on getting your couch paid off! :)
And those cokies look *delish*... you uh... gonna uh.. share the recipe? :) Teacher appreciation week comin' up, and hey, I'm a teacher that would really appreciate a new recipe! :D
Hallelujah for the sofa! And how cute is Russell?! I'm loving that pic! :) Also, if you don't mind whipping up a few more delicious chocolate chip cookies and sending them my way, that would be great! Thanks! :) lol
NO WAY! I got that same pamphlet on my door this weekend too!!! Hahaha!
Have fun in Vegas woman!!! And I am sooooo excited you are on Twitter! <3
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