You always hear the saying "learn to say no" in regards to reducing your stress level, maintaining your sanity, generating more free time, whatever. Well I'm taking another path and slowly learning to say yes more!
When someone calls me and says "you're coming to vegas next weekend" my first instinct was to make up some excuses and dish on weekend plans and say no. But I realized really quick that that was really silly, and said yes. And had a blast (duh, of course)
When I threw out the idea of hosting Easter at my house I immediately wanted to reel it back in. I have rooms that are still torn up for goodness sake! It's not where I want it to "be". I wanted people to see her 'finished' but I followed through and am SO glad I did. Everyone loved her as much as I do.
When a long lost friend texts me and says "we're at such and such bar having a few drinks, come meet us" I wanted to reply "it's 10:30 at night, I am going to bed!" but I bit my lip and said "I'll be there in 10!" and ended up having a really good time! (Totally been staying up past my self-imposed bedtime lately too... I'm surprisingly alert after only logging a good 6 hours)
I've always been REALLY good at thinking out (read: worrying) about all of the possible outcomes of anything I do, but I'm trying really hard lately to just chill out and let things happen. I'm learning to say yes, I'd love to... and surprisingly I end up enjoying it a lot!
I've been stickin my neck out there a little more and am happy with the results. Since C & I broke up, I've been catching up with old friends... spending time with 'always' friends... and even making a few new friends.
I guess I'm just tired of being "the shy girl" to everyone around me. I've always been confident in myself, I'm just not naturally a 'loud' person.
When I was younger, I was the kid that hid behind their parents and wouldn't speak to anyone!
Even nowadays I usually don't pipe up until after I've gotten to know you a little bit... but lately the most common comment I've been getting is "You are so funny! Why didn't you ever talk more before?!?". Which makes me smile big time ha
Anyone else have this problem??! Or am I just the only crazy one. =) I guess there's really no point to this post, but hey... get over it.
I am the same way as you. VERY SHY when I first meet people.
Wish I could say when I've said yes to going out with people when they ask has ended up with me having a good time because usually it's not. I'd rather do anything with my husband than go out to a bar where I'm bored to death.
Sounds like you're thinking right. I'm glad you're letting lose a little more and having fun. I'm learning to do the same thing after being freakishly driven for the last 3 years since college I'm learning to relax and have fun now that I'm in a relationship with a great guy...I've had to break a few rules, like going to be at 10pm every night. Sometimes I even stay up til midnight on a work night. ; ]
What a fantastic post, lady. Truly needed to hear that for myself. I am glad you are saying "yes" more often, and breaking out of the routine to enjoy yourself - kudos, babe. :)
I know exactly what you mean. I find myself making excuses too. It's great that you are saying "yes" more often!
I am the exact same way. And I've been trying that approach too. Most of the time, I'm so glad I did.
Um. I am the same way! I say no to anything thats not part of my normal daily routine. I've gotta work on it too!
I think that's awesome!! I try to do the same thing, you only live once!
I am always the person who says no to random invitiations...I don't like to veer off of my normal routine ya know. I need to be more spontaneous! I always make excuses. Maybe you should go watch the movie "Yes Man" and then you will really get motivated :)
Yes is always more fun. I am very guilty of having some kind of weird no-fun-on-weeknights policy sometimes, but I am working on reminding myself that weeknights are real life, not just a chance to rest up for another day of work :)
Yay for being a 'yes girl.' That comment reminds me of 'The Yes Man' with Jim Carrey, ha! Just don't start saying YES to everything, lol!
BTW, saw a booze/mixed drink blog swap yesterday and totally thought of you!
I need to follow your lead on this one!
I love this :) I think it's a great idea!
I feel like you're speakin right to me with this. I am TOTALLY that girl who is like no, it's 9:00, I can't run to the store with you, friend. Or no, I have class at 8:00 a.m., I can't go out with you tonight. But lately, I too have been trying to remember that this one life is short & is meant to be enjoyed & I'm trying to do that more. I'm glad you are too!
I have been stepping out of my comfort zone a bit too lately. More often than not, I am happy with the end result. It is so easy to get wrapped up in your own life and not put yourself out there. Good for you for going for it!
I love this. Good for you!!! I really need to do the same...I get so stuck in my routine and I get really annoyed when it gets disrupted. I'm really trying to be more patient, understanding and appreciate changes. Easier said than done (for me at least).
I am the queen of excuses and then I find myself in the same situation as you and I say yes I then I think how stupid am I to pass up things like this when I have so much fun when I do go..
YES, MAN! I love that movie and try to say yes to more things now.
You're not the only one! I used to say yes way too often, but now I say no way too often. And I'm really quiet until I get to know people too, but I'm not the least bit funny so you've got one up on me there :)
I know what you mean. I try to make a point to step out of the box every once in a while. You never know what could be around the corner.
Agree. Saying yes more always ends up being so much better.
The movie 'Yes Man' is always very inspiring to help keep motivation up for saying yes!
I'm exactly the same way, quiet at first whenever I meet new people. I loved reading about your new outlook, inspired me to start saying yes more.
WOW! We are def so much alike. I am shy and reserved at first (which somehow always gets mistaken for being a bitch). Once I warm up I can talk to you all the time! I am just a quiet, down to earth kinda gal. My family is like this too. I totally get you.
And when my ex and I broke up...I had to get out of my shell a little bit (well a lot actually) when giving dating a chance...and also with taking chances...hanging out with people, going out once a week instead of going to bed at 10pm everynight, even on the weekends...
I am rambling now...but i love ya girlll! <3
I am very much like you! But I usually say yes, then back out. I'm sketchy like that, and my friends know it. But that isn't going to get me out there... I mean, I can't meet anyone, much less a guy, if I am sitting at home cuddled up in bed with Dixon-monster watching tv! Good for you for getting out there! (And I somehow missed that you and C actually broke up?! Like for good??)
Hope you have a great weekend lady! And a fabulous trip next week!
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