You know what's SUPER fun? Dating. (no really, I do think it's fun. I'm a serial dater of sorts.) But when did chivalry die? Can we
go back to those days?! What a ridiculous mess of nonsense navigating
singledom is. I have compiled my most thought-out rules of dating, I
would appreciate it if they became the standards. ;)
#1 Don't try to make plans with me the night before. You all know the rule
- ask by Wednesday for a weekend date. Just because I'm single doesn't
mean I don't have a life. And even if I didn't, I still wouldn't accept
because no one wants to look desperate
#2 Don't ask me the day of "so, what do you wanna do?" / "where you wanna
eat" / some variation of the two. You invited me on a date. PLAN it. If
you're unsure, narrow it down to 2 options and present them to me.
#3 I don't really want to hang out with your friends/ your grandma/ your
entire marching band. I want to get to know you. Not meet 17 of your
closest accomplices
#4 Offer to pick me up.
I'll most likely turn it down, as I'm not really cool with potential
psycho killers knowing my address, but if you don't offer it's minus
10pts mentally noted.
#5 You will know by my
outfit how much I was looking forward to the date. If I look like I
half-assed it, then you should probably take it personally. Guess you
should have upped the excitement level
#6 Please
don't show up with flowers. Or a gift of any sort. That just makes it
awkward for all parties involved. Unless it's my birthday, then there
better at least be a card.
#7 Open my door. For godsakes, why are guys so rude nowadays.
#8 If I am meeting you somewhere, I will pull the fashionably late card. You better be there before me, no exceptions
#9 Unless you are saving baby pandas from a forest fire, pushing our date back by 45 minutes is not ok.
#10 Order
your drink first. I like to follow suit. If you make me order first
I'll go non-alcoholic, and then if you get a drink I will feel bad
adding a $8 cocktail on top of a $4 iced tea. Nobody wants to be the
Sober Sally!
#11 Don't you dare sit on your
phone the whole time. It's rude. To anyone; not necessarily just a date.
And even if you are engaging me, just stop. no I don't want to sit and
watch all the 'SO FUNNY' youtube videos your friend sent you. Learn to
carry on a conversation.
#12 Have a back-up
plan. If the first portion of the date goes well, suggest somewhere else
to continue it on. Don't do the awkward, sit there and say 'now what
should we do??'
#13 You aren't going to get a
kiss. No matter what. It's a first date and it will be treated as such.
If I see potential you will get your reward after date 2 or 3 maybe.
#14 I
appreciate a follow-up text within 20-30 minutes of us parting ways.It
will say that you had fun, and you are glad I joined you. It's called
pleasantries. Learn them.
#15 If I don't think
there's any potential future, I'll tell you. I don't really like wasting
my time... or playing games for that matter. I expect you to do the
So, I wanna know.... what dating rules would you add to the list??
Do I expect too much? Should I go ahead and accept my future of 17 cats and a knitting basket.