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So what if I am channeling my inner Nicole Richie today

Skull scarfs are considered "business casual", right?! (Update: you can purchase my scarf here)
So what if I snapped this photo while hanging out in my nieces hospital room last week. I always try to look at the bright side of things (ok, so maybe it is slightly creepy)
So what if I got my w2 in the mail yesterday & proceeded to do my taxes. Waaay early! But at least I'm done, and hey - I'll get my return sooner!
So what if I have horrible anxiety the whole time I am doing my taxes. Every year. I use TurboTax, but I still feel like I am FORSURE doing something wrong and am going to end up audited and in jail
So what if I had a blind girl date last night. Can never have too many friends, right!?
So what if one of my proudest moments this week was conquering the marbleized nail paint job. (a little messy, I know... gimme a break!)
So what if the thought of eating a banana once it's turned all yellow grosses me out. And don't even bring up brown spots. Gag. Way too sweet
So what if I just fell into a fit of giggles when my rap/r&b pandora station started playing a song from the Aladdin soundtrack. Huh!?
So what if I am a little bit (a lot of bit) bummed I had to turn down the opportunity to be in a flash mob, because I already had conflicting plans. BOO!
So what if I have stayed late every night this week at work... all I see are dollar signs in front of my eyes. We are swamped with Super Bowl and I'm taking full advantage of overtime
So what if it's reeking havoc on my mental psyche though. I got home last night and was brewing a pot of coffee before I even took my coat off. To say I'm drained is an understatement

i get your hatred with yellow bananas. i used to be there.
they constipate you if they aren't yellow.
i will solve all your problems. stick with me and i'll show you the ropes.
HA!! i know all those docs ;)
im the same about my taxes...i do them online as well and i am terrified that i am doing something wrong. i have almost nothing to claim so its easier but i am still nervous!! haha.
i love your nails and your family and your niece haven't left my prayers! hope this week treats you well! happy wednesday!
I freak out every year about my taxes as well...and I don't even have any extras to add in! Silly...
Praying for your family and niece everyday!
Hope you have a good rest of the week!
Love the Skull scarf!!!
As always--LOVE this! Too bad I spend most of my day cracking up at Pandora for the songs they choose...as well as trying to come up with the most random stations I can. I'm not cool.
You're not alone on the Turbo Tax subject...I always feel that way too!
That's awesome that you had a blind date with a girl! I want to make more girl friends in my new area, but it's tough! I might have to try out the blind date thing.
LOVE the nails! Tutorial?
And I totally filed my taxes last Sunday. In the same boat.
Love that you did your taxes early. I'm anxiously awaiting all my tax documents to be able to do mine! Jealous that you get overtime pay at your job. I worked 120 hours in the past two weeks and don't get anything extra for it! :/
I love the skull scarf! :) Totally work appropriate. I'm jealous you have your taxes done. I always do mine as SOON as I can! You get the refund so much faster and it's nice to get it over with. HOWEVER, I'm always terrified of getting audited. Especially because I am really bad at organizing. I should really work on that... hahaha!
Have fun with overtime! :)
Ummmm hi Interns!
Eghh can't touch bananas once they are completely yellow either!! Good job on your nails!! AND I need to know where you got that skull scarf from!
I love green bananas! They're the best!
BOO to not being able to do the flash mob! You are such a hard lil worker! I'm sure you'll reward yourself once it's over with many a drink! Green bananas??!? What are you... a monkey?!
I love your scarf. Those doctors are hot!! And I would've been in a fit of giggles to if the Alladin song had become on on a rap station ha ha ha!!!
Someone seriously asked you to be in a flash mob?! I didn't know those things were real! haha!
Bananas with brown spots do not stand a chance in my house. They hit the trash relly quick! YUCK
I want to try the marbled nail trick but I am scared :( I just know I will screw it all up.
I would already have my taxes done if it didn't take forever to get hubs' w2!! o_O
1. M and I had a convo about the whole yellow versus green banana thing yesterday.
2. Why did you take a picture of the doctors?
3. Aladdin? HYSTERICAL!
ooh pretty nails!
I get mega bad tax anxiety too! Each time I KNOW I'm going to do them wrong and they're GOING to put me in jail! Haha!
I'm a new follower. Just read about your niece, and I just felt the need to share this verse with you and to let you know that God "is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine." Ephesians 3:20
I LOVE the nails and scarf!!!!
Those are some GORGEOUS doctors! Yummy!
I can't believe you missed out on the flash mob : (
I don't blame you for taking a picture of those interns.
and keep your head up.. the perks of OT is the $$ and it will all be over soon:)
Cute nails! Love your skull scarf!! Hubby is all over our taxes...just waiting on my W2! Can we have a blind girl date??!!
love this post. I only eat green bananas :)
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