Link up with Life After I "Dew" if you wanna dish too!
So what if I woke up this morning feeling like hell.... but envisioned 8 hours of vacation time spent on a beach, and used that as my motivation to get my sick self out of bed and go to work. Is that not ridiculous. Priorites, people, priorities!
So what if I've got atleast 7 times the legal limit of Vitamin C running through my veins right now. Ok, ok, "recommended daily allowance", whatever.
So what if I wear my Uggs on the drive to work most mornings, then change when I get to our work parking lot. I cling to that last little bit of coziness as long as I can!
So what if I wake up, make a mug of green tea to drink while I'm getting ready, make coffee to drink for the drive into work, and make a green monster for once I get to my desk. Needless to say I'm ready to pee my pants by 9am.
So what if I spent the better part of my Saturday night on the phone catching up with a west coast friend I haven't seen since last summer. Apparently we had a lot to catch up on, considering we logged well over 3 hours of phone time.
So what if I am purposely letting some bananas go brown so I can make banana bread, which I have been craving for weeks
So what if I find it eerily weird that I am going to be in the Punta Cana the exact same dates that I was there 6 years ago. (Oh yea, surprise! My first vacation of the year is booked already!)
So what if I have to go throw away the 27 tissues I went through while writing this post. Gah this head cold may just be the death of me.

YOU POOR THING!!! I'm telling you - have you used a neti pot?! When I had my last head cold and my last bronchial infection, it was the only thing that actually sped up my healing process...I swear by it. Sending you get well vibes!
Banana bread-- YUM!! Hope you feel better SOON, Chelsea!
1. I'm so jealous of your vacay.
2. I had that terrible cold, and of course can't take meds since I'm knocked up. Vicks Vapo Rub is a godsend. I was laying on my couch miserable and I swear I was cleared up within 30 minutes of using it.
Banana bread sounds absolutely heavenly right now!! Mmmm.
Feel better, love! Colds are the worst. I think I've staved off a few since getting back from Istanbul by loading up on the zinc, Vit C, and Coldeeze lozenges...
And just wait till you're 27. You'll have to pee so bad it literally makes you want to throw up. TMI??? :)
I hate head colds.. I am battling the sniffles!
Love banana bread!!
Feel better!!!
I'm submerged in liquids today too. Except my smoothie wasn't satisfying, so I ate goldfish lol.
Feel better! Punta Cana is def good motiviation!
Poor you! I hope you are feeling better soon.
Wow girl, you really pump the fluids in the morning haha!
When is your DR vacay?? So jealous!
Hope you feel better soon!
Just imagine sand, salt air and sun. Over & over again... lol
and I'm letting my bananas go brown right now too. I might even get crazy and try coconut banana bread =)
I do the same thing with bananas, in fact sometimes I intentionally by more than I know we will eat so they go bad - haha!
I love wearing slippers to work too, just don't forget one of your shoes like I did today! oops!
Love this! Hope you feel better. And we're this close to booking our first trip. I'm so excited!
Hope you feel better soon! They kind of freak me out so I haven't tried one, but people at work swear by Netti Pots.
And I do the same thing with my Uggs. Sometimes I change out of slippers and into my Uggs and then change in to shoes in the parking lot.
snot and green monster in one post.
that smoothie looks gross...
[i crack myself up]
Dang now I am craving some banana bread. And ewwww. Are you the annoying coworker blowing your brains out??? ;) Jk. Hope you feel better hooker.
phew... i drink a ridiculous amount of liquid each morning too :)
ps love your blog!
Hope you start to feel better soon!!
My nose hates me lately, and it runs non stop so I feel youu! Oh, and when you make that banana bread go ahead and send some over my way! ;] Yay for a vacationnn, luckyy!
<3 Monica
I like this link up! I'll be joining in next week, I think :)
Ps. I am making that green smoothie you blogged about yesterday! I'll let you know how mine turns out! :)
Oh I wear my Uggs INTO work, and change my shoes at my desk. I don't even care. haha :)
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