Is it wrong that I am almost disgusted by this message I received earlier?
You openly admit you didn't even know my sweet niece existed, you spell my brothers name wrong, and then you launch into a novel about yourself and your divorce. I am sorry that I struggle to find the sincerity within this?
Oh, and this is a cousin of mine. Honestly lady, no I don't know anything about you nor am I really interested in learning - I am pretty sure you checked yourself out of the family when I was about 3.
A simple "heard the news, thinking about your family" would have sufficed.
Maybe I am just hypersensitive with everything, and taking it the wrong way. But weirdddd. I guess a prayer is a prayer, regardless of your apparent lack of concern for the family you say you're praying for

Yeah, that's weird...
Well I think a prayer is a prayer and all of them should be appreciated, BUT she could have just left it at that. She didn't need to say that she didn't even know he had a baby and she definitely didn't need to go into anything about her OWN life. Some people are so self-absorbed, it's ridiculous!
this is why i don't talk to my family.
it is easier. but also more lonely...
catch 22.
Maybe her intentions were good, but it seems way insensitive to use someone else's hard time as a gateway to unload your own baggage. I'm with you... a simple "thinking of you" message would have gone a long way.
Definitely strange. Some people are so self-consumed they have no clue how to communicate with others. Your cousin is this type of person, unfortunately. One positive- she is praying and you can't have too many of those!
That's a tough one. I sense a little bit of 'reaching out'. Maybe some prayers sent her way would be a good thing:)
Eek. Sounds like they just really want to talk about their problems..
Yeah, I would questions the sincerity too. You were pretty polite. I would have probably ignored it after seeing the word "visitation." How inconsiderate and rude.
Ugh I would have been rubbed the wrong way by that. Yes, the thoughts & prayers are nice, but I'm sure she's one of those people who always turns everything into a big story about herself, hate that! Thinking of you guys!
Oh. My. Gah. Rediculous!!! :-O
COMPLETELY understand where you're coming from... Totally justified rant. Still thinking and praying for you and your family!
People are so strange sometimes. Just focus on all of the prayers, thoughts and love being sent your way!
U r totally right to be annoyed by that message. OK so maybe she feels like she has ignored her family a bit and wants a way back in, but a divorce is no way near as bad as a 2 year old suffering from cancer. She should have sent her best wishes and left it at that. Actually, maybe a phone call would have been better,I don't really like using FB for things like that!
Definitely weird. Some people just don't get it. :(
visitation?!?! Really, some people are so flippin clueless... Prayers for you and your family!
visitation?!?! Really, some people are so flippin clueless... Prayers for you and your family!
i think you have every right to question her sincerity with the comment.... i suppose people look for attention in STRANGE ways!
the most important thing is that we are all here for you and praying for a quick recovery for your niece! she is the most important person in this entire equation and obviously we all see that.
i totally see where you're coming from. right now all prayers and positive wishes should be focused on your niece. A simple "praying for you and your family" would have been enough, not a whole catch up of what is happening on your cousins life, especially if you are not, nor have been close. she may be trying to reach out and reconnect, but a private message at another time would have been more appropriate, youre definitely not being over sensitive
on that note-- sending prayers to your sweet niece and your family xo
I am so sorry you have to deal with that. The focus should be on sweet Olivia not on your cousins martial issues. Still sending prayers to you and your family.
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