I don’t plan ahead. I don’t make lists. I don't do anything on a regular schedule let alone religiously. That’s just ME personally. So when I say that I “don’t get” something… it’s simply that. I don’t relate. I don’t get spending half a benjamin on a colorful notebook, I don’t get tweeting about your speed that you walked your dog every morning, I don’t see the entertainment in 27 girls fighting over the same not-so-cute guy. I don't do wine. I never said it was stupid, or pointless, or had no place, I simply said I don’t get it. You get it. You color-coordinated-pen-loving note taker workout feign, and you love it, and kudos to you for doing such! Embrace it.
I can promise you that ¾ of you don’t get the excitement I get from sitting on the floor of my craft room making piles of color-coordinated fabric, or walking into a building full of old, used & abused crap (endearingly referred to as an antique mall), or booking a flight for a spur of the moment trip, or giving a cheater a 2nd chance. In the same manor that I roll my eyes when you buy $200 yoga pants, you laugh when I pay $200 for jeans.
But we can still wear our equally expensive pants to go eat ChickFilA’s french fries and chat about our political stance on the middle east oil crisis.
Just because someone voices a different opinion than you doesn’t mean you guys have to hate each other.
Now can we please all sit cross-legged in a circle and Kumbaya the ish outta this new year?

lol! Well, to each their own, I say.
Things tend to come across much harsher through the internet then they were intended... expressing tone on paper is ... well, impossible.
Agreed! I think everyone should just like what they like, and don't worry about what everyone else is doing! :)
Ahhh, I love this! I feel the same way, and boy is it hard to voice our opinion in our OWN internet space without having a finger wagged in our direction. Good for you for saying what you needed to.
Amen sista!
I'm definitely digging this post! To each his own is exactly my stance on a lot of things and in fact, I usually like when others are different than myself. Kumbaya my Lord, Kumbaya.
To each their own.
You're funny and I agree. I really wish I could spend $200 on those yoga pants cuz I want some really bad, but I just can't. I also can't spend $200 on jeans either, darnit. I wouldn't mind taking one of each though.
Now bring me some Chikfila, please. :)
Yep... to each their own!
i am glad i was here to listen.
but i would enjoy if you could come sit on the floor of my craft room. and help me find some antique crap.
I don't get Erin Condren, The Bachelor, or luluemon, but there are sooo many people who do. That just isn't my thing. That's cool if people like it, because I am pretty sure that I like things that people don't understand. People are different, that's what makes the word go round. I totally agree that people shouldn't hate on people with differing opinions. They need to grow up, because not everyone is the same. It is just childish for people to hate on people for something so petty.
I love this post!!
Great post and good for you for posting your opinions. You're right, we might not all get each other - hell, apparently you don't get me 1/2 the time...haha - but that's no reason to judge or be mean to one another. I think it's time we all embrace our differences and learn something new from each other. And if people can't do that, they shouldn't read our blogs or follow us on Twitter. The end.
bahahaha. LOVE it! Personally, if we're going to sing, I like like the new Kumbaya!
haha! love my erin condren planner and the bachelor ;)
so funny. but $200 yoga pants!? where on earth sales $200 yoga pants? are they made of gold?!
Kumbaya ... great touch. Can I come over this weekend in my 200 dollar yoga pants, writing in my planner while drinking wine and watching the Bachelor? You wouldn't dare judge me, right? Hell, you probably wouldn't let me in the front door!
Difference in opinions keep the world spinning! Great post - glad you took a leap and did that!
Are you starting drama on the twitter? Voicing your opinion and getting crap for it must be a "Chelsea" thing. :)
Sometimes I don't understand girls/women. We can get upset about some of the most ridonkulous crap.
But Chelsea, I don't like people who don't like the things I like..
If we all liked the same type of pizza then life would be boring. And there wouldn't be enough pizza! Anyway, it's your blog. Say what you want - if people don't like it, they don't have to bloody read it!!
Amen, sister! xoxo
You're one of my faves. For real. And I do love wine.
Amen, sistah!
First, I get it. I get that I get things that you don't get. And I don't get things you don't get either. Like the Bachelor. I've never seen a full episode and never plan to. But really, it's life and social media can make it seem like some huge deal, but really, life is the big deal, not the BS people post about having to go back to work today. (Me. Le sigh.)
This made me laugh out loud. I don't get a lot of things other people like either....wine included. And you know how I told you I tweeted about working out to keep myself accountable? I haven't worked out once since then. Fail. Oh well. Can we sing a different song? I don't like Kumbaya.... Happy 2012.
Pow! You and I are still friends and I'm super OCD, but have a love of booze like you ;) Yes, I drink wine, but I've also aspired to create drinks similar to your mix 'n mingle Fridays. I think everyone who hates on others should read this, hug it out, and then move on. Right? Right.
AMEN! Can I print this post and hang it in all public venues?
Honestly, understanding someone for who they are and accepting what they like for just that - what they like - is one of the most important things in a friendship. I couldn't stand being friendly with someone who constantly put me down for something I loved, or tried to change me. "Don't go changinnnn', to try and please meeee", right?
Love this, well said!
ahem girly!
Um, I love you...and your soap box. True story!
I found your blog through another friend and this is the post that made me decide to follow you. You're an awful lot like me with the "i don't get it" thing. I'm one of those people who loves working out/athletics but doesn't understand $200 pants of anykind. And thats ok! I loved this.
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