For the first few feet you are absolutely pumped, then you pick up speed and are like 'oh shit, this could be a huge wipeout...' but it's too late to stop and you clench your jaw and hope for the best.
Before you know it you are alternating between heelside and toeside and things are just whizzing by, and by god you are doing it. You haven't wiped out yet and you aren't going to! And you finally reach the bottom and are just gliding along the level ground, wanting to high five everyone.
That pretty much parallels my life for the past 2 months. I accepted a new position, basically taking over my department and dove headfirst into St Patricks day, easily our busiest holiday of the year in the liquor industry. Then the week before I disappeared to the islands for a vacation that was planned far before the madness had ensued.
And now I am back, caught up, and highfiving everyone at the bottom. So many great things have happened over the past few weeks, and I am so grateful for everything. I can't wait to catch you all up!
I'm telling yah, it's all about the good juju. That ish works.

YAY! I'm so happy for you! :) No more dumb boss, and a fun trip too!
Thats great! It is a wonderful feeling when things just go smoothly!
This is great to hear! I'm happy/excited for you!
Love this post.
Hope things start to calm down soon. I never thought about St. Patty's being such a big liquor holiday. Beer yes. Liquor no.
Woohoo! Congrats on the new position!
As I was reading the first paragraph at of this post I was reminiscing how a few days ago we went skiing for the first time and you described to T how it felt like to go flying down the mountain. Unlike you, I choose to throw myself on the ground when I got scared instead of high five everyone at the bottom! ha ha
Congrats again on all the new and exciting things happening!
I can't wait for the updates on your life :) And to hear about your amazing trip!
I LOVE the snowboarding analogy- I've so been there :) So happy for all of your happy! And I can't wait to hear about your trip!!!!
Just coming back to blogland and it seems like you are doing amazing! I love your anaology and that feels like my life all the time, even though I have never been snowboarding!
finally just getting back to reading blogs! congrats on your promotion - and i looove your analogy! because i totally have been there before:)
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