Will that single umbrella change the course of his life, doubtful. But I hope it did provide him a little relief and more-so a little hope despite the rest of the sidelong glares he was catching from other motorists.
I had barely made it onto the interstate before my phone vibrated, I was asked out to dinner. I joked with my friends later that day that karma is real. Do good to others, and good will come your way. I helped out someone who was struggling, and I got asked on a date!
Lately I can't help but think that the universe has some strange way of saying 'hey, kudos for doin the right thing, chick...'
With that one gentleman in mind, I started smiling at strangers more, letting people out in traffic, helping old ladies reach that top-shelf item at the grocery.
And you know what? More random goodness started coming my way! The gas station clerk gave me $40 for a winning lotto ticket that I was only supposed to get $20 for. My gas bill was mysteriously paid (not by me) last month. A ticket from when I got pulled over back in September still hasn't been turned in.
Am I saying do nice things just so you get rewarded in exchange? Not at all... but I'd be absolutely lying if I said it wasn't infectious. I find myself wanting to do more and more 'good' simply because I like the way it leaves some random person with a smile on their face. I chat it up with the cashier who is just itching for conversation, I entertain the overly-energetic kid in line at the grocery because his mom looks like she's at wits end, I give the flustered waitress a little bit bigger tip.
I want to be that person who buys lunch for the person behind them in the drive-through, the one who brings a whole trunkload of groceries to the food bank... you know those people who just ooze optimism and hope? Yea, I want to be one of them!
Random acts of kindness. I'm learning how to become a better person, and I think the universe likes to send me little pats on the back sayin 'hey, good job kid... keep it up, you're on the right path!"
I encourage you all to do one thing today, out of the ordinary, to brighten someone else's day. Whether it's sending a silly joke to a friend who is down in the dumps, opening the door for a stranger, or something much more elaborate. Try it, you'll like it. Not so you get good karma in return but because I truly believe if you put good in this world good will come your way! Life is full circle.

Aww, so kind of you! I like the thought of the universe saying, "you're on the right track" too :-) It's such a great feeling to be a bright light in someone's day, I agree.
Love that heart of yours :)
I LOVE random acts of kindness!!! I am trying to find ways throughout my day to do at least one RAOK. What if we ALL did that?!
Reminds of those Liberty Mutual commercials.
Love this!! I am always thinking the same thing...now I just have to act on my thoughts!
Do unto others as you would have them do unto you :)
Great post. Definitely not too deep nor selfish in the slightest :)
I love this Chels! You made my day with this and I couldn't agree with you more ;)
Chels- I love this! I'm always one for doing little things for people, but this makes me want to do even more! :) It is infectious!
You're such a sweet person! Karma is real!
i agree! it is so infectious. i love smiling at people that look mad/pissed and even if they just look at me funny at least they know i acknowledged them.
and i'm with you on entertaining the kid in the grocery line. i wish i had a nickel for everytime i stick my tongue out at one. i'd be about 5 dollars richer.
This post gave me goosebumps. So sweet and True :)
I love this! Good job Chels! :)
I have *always* believed in karma and believe in doing at least one good deed each day. Good for you for doing this, what a touching post!
PS: If you haven't read The Secret, you should. I think you'd enjoy it if you feel this about putting good out there!
last week, I had to run to cvs to get a few things. sitting outside, was a homeless man with a dog. when I was inside, I decided to buy him a bottle of water and a box of dog treats. when I went back to give them to him, the dog was gone! he said he was just watching him for someone who went inside the store....but said he'd give the treats to the next person he saw with a dog...
I hope he did!
I couldn't agree more with your philosophy! I try to do little random hand written 'Thank you for being you' cards every other week to a family member or friend, it's amazing how many happy teary phone calls I've gotten in reponse! I hope your doing well girly!
I totally agree that karma is for real!
Good for you for helping others...it really can be more of a blessing to you than the people you're helping!
When you say you want to be that person... by doing the things you have been doing ~ you already ARE that person. In the past 3 years, I started paying it forward to people, as much as I could. I've found the universe repaying me in many ways. Keep it up, the world needs more people like us!
how sweet of you to give that man an umbrella... absolutely wonderful
Paying it forward is awesome! It feels so good.
I have to tell you a funny story about the homeless man who works the corner everyday on my way to work. His name is Blue {real name}. Every day we chat for a few minutes while I am waiting at the light. I give him money every once in a while but not often because I don't carry cash. On Monday he told me to go to the bank during lunch and withdrawal $20 for the next so he can eat this week. What guts! I didn't even know how to respond.
You have such a good heart, girl! We all should do more random acts of kindness!
You are so sweet! I have been trying to be better about doing little things like this to give people just a little something to smile about in their day. Great post, hun and super inspiring! Such an easy thing to do - just be nice to others and help when you can. Yesterday, I surprised one of my best friends with flowers, wine and dinner because she's dealing with a tough time in her life. You go, girl!
You are amazing. I really need to absorb some of your good-doings. So many people too often get too caught up in their own shit and I am one of them.
Thanks for sharing, girly! When's the date? :)
great post and I think it's definitely true. I believe that paying it forward is real as well as just bringing some positive energy to other people. Excited for you! (definitely wouldn't mind having my gas payed for either!)
ack! *paid. horrible...
I love this! I do my best to go out of my way to help someone even if its just a smile. I think it is an amazing feeling and I definitely believe in Karma so it can't hurt to be good to others.
What a super sweet blog you have!
And what a wonderful Random act of kindness...
That is so stinkin' sweet of you. <3 You're such a good person.
You are SO generous, Chelsea! I'm sure he had a smile from ear to ear afterwards!!!
Kudos to you for your simple kindness :)
I fully believe in karma and random acts of kindness, etc! Love this post! So kind of you to give your umbrella to that man. I believe in blessings and counting them as much as possible. I might not be able to afford this or that, but I have food and a roof and nice clothes. And if I ever fell on hard times, I have family and friends that I could lean on. Some people have none of those things. I'm ranting, but this post makes me like you even more. And I already liked ya a whole bunch, friend. :)
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