So What Wednesday!
So what if I wear my Colt's legwarmers under my dress pants to work
So what if I occasionally put my radio on the Siriusly Sinatra station... ol' blue eyes had talent!
So what if I'm more worried about what color dishes I get for my kitchen rather than the 1962 furnace in the basement
So what if I've already picked out an adorable return address stamp for my new house!
So what if I'm an alcohol snob and refuse to drink well liquor. I support the brands that foot my paycheck every week!
So what if I use dirty hair as an excuse for a bad mood. It's true!
So what if I I've never eaten a cake ball even though I make them all the time. Honestly, they just don't sound appealing to me... I think it's the texture.
So what if I blocked my boss from my Facebook news feed. I got tired of him channeling his inner Carson Daly and posting 18 music videos every day.
So what if I pick the chicken out of any frozen meal or canned soup that I eat. It weirds me out
So what if I think it's perfectly acceptable to order Jack & Coke's and still say that I haven't drank soda in 8 years or whatever. I can't just order Jack on the rocks, that would make me an alcoholic.
Oh wow, I could go on for days... I better stop now. This was fun! I think I'll start playing along every Wednesday!

You haven't eaten a cake ball? (Me either, that's why i was wanting you to send me some) LOL, but they sound delish!
Totally agree with the dirty hair=bad mood!
I also pick out the chicken....gross!
You haven't had soda in 8 years? How?!?!
Hahaha!! I love all of these! I am visioning you wearing these leg warmers now every time I see you from here on out!
Those rubber stamps are SO CUTE!!! Omg, I want one! Helllllo Christmas present!
I love that your boss is on Facebook all day posting music videos. He can NEVER get on you about blogging ... or gchatting! :)
And by getting on, I don't mean like physically...Just wanted to clear that up. Thank you very much!
Congratulations the house!!
LOVE IT! I pick the chicken out of all those things, too LOL!!! Yay for closing on your house today! SO EXCITED FOR YA!!!
I can't believe you drink Jack and Coke...can we say, Badass?! Haha!
I haven't drank pop in a LONG time either, but sometimes if I do have a mixed drink (hardly ever...I'm a beer girl) I will use Sprite or 7-Up in it.
Yay for closing today...I am so happy for you!
Ha! I love this. :) Congrats, girl!
YAY for your house!!!
CONGRATS ON CLOSING!!! That is super exciting!!
haha...love this post. i don't drink pop either, except for vodka-diet cokes. but those don't count.
congrats on your house, that's so exciting!
OMG i hate that my boss is my "friend" on FB...WHY???
Thanks for linking up!!!
Congrats on the house girl, SOOO exciting! Love the pics above of you kissing the bricks, too funny!
Oh and about the picking the chicken out thing... I TOTALLY DO THAT TOO! It totally creeps me out for some reason, and I don't eat it! HA! (I'm still not sure why the hell I buy the stuff if it grosses me out?!).
i'm totally with you about picking out the meat out of frozen foods or canned soups - its just plain gross! how does chicken stay on the shelf and not go bad - gross! gross! gross! it freaks me out!
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