Day 2: Black Friday Shopping Tips
Today's topic is one near and dear to my heart! Black Friday Shopping! We have gone out every Black Friday for as long as I can remember... sometimes there's not even a particular thing we need, it's just fun and a tradition for us! It's always my mom, brother and I... then various friends and/or cousins tag along.
1. Travel in packs... hand someone a pack of gum as soon as you walk in the store and have them stand in the checkout line, meanwhile you can go get the product and waltz up to them with some phony line like "HERE I RAN BACK AND SWAPPED IT OUT FOR THE RIGHT COLOR, PHEW I TRIED TO HURRY SORRY!" (Particularly smart at mega stores like Target, where lines stretch to the back wall of the store!)
2. Bring walkie talkies. Cell phones sometimes don't work in stores... and you might need to know RIGHTNOW if the TickleMeXBoxFuzzyBoots are the right size/style/color/feature that cousin's uncle's step-daughter wanted, and there's no time to go track down your cousin's uncle in the store!
3. Befriend others in line near you. It's 4am, people are hungry, grouchy, sleepy and still nursing a tryptophan hangover. You may run into them later, and they may just push someone outta the way so you can get that last pair of $200-marked-down-to-$30 jeans in a size 26!
5. Keep reminding yourself that as soon as your done you get the ultimate reward! To go home and go back to bed!
Wanna check out everyone else's tips? Visit Aly or Molly's blog!

Love these! We would totally work well shopping together!
Travel in packs. Like wolf packs?!?
Wanna go shopping together?! If I see you in line, can we pull a 3rd grade infamous "line cut?!"
The walkie talkies crack me up. You guys are serious!
I personally love tip number 4 :)
Gosh you guys are serious black Friday shoppers haha! I love it! I've never been (crazy I know) but my MIL wants me to go this year so I might have to!
Walkie talkies! Great idea, hardcore!
Dude your hardcore totally I've never heard the walky talky situation but that's genius esp for me I hope to a million stores before anyone can find me.
Love these especially the travel in packs. I am thinking wild animals!
I'm Canadian, so I've never done the whole Black Friday shopping. This year the fiance though it would be a great idea to go, so we leave tomorrow.
...I'm scared....We have boxing day here and I think that is bad...I have a feeling this is going to be 10 times as bad.....
Thanks for the tips, I think I will definitely be using some
I cannot shop with others on Black Friday. They slow me down. I was just telling my husband last night that I prefer to shop alone. I am on a mission and do not have time for anyone else. Any other day of the year I love shopping with friends.
Kahlua in your Black Friday coffee-- absolute genius! Adding it to my repertoire!
Best tip ever...booze on Black Friday!
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