As the country expresses appreciation and gratitude for our veteran's today, I urge you to thank our soldiers on more than just this one day!
I'm a big supporter of the website,, and what they do. I've mentioned them a few times on my blog but here's a quick explanation...
Soldiers who are at war can add their name/address to the list and request care packages either for themselves or for others in their platoon that maybe don't have family and friends sending them little pieces of home.
There are HUNDREDS of servicemen and women on this site, from all branches of the military. Some are asking for personal hygiene products, some are requesting books, and some just want anything from home to help ease their homesick hearts.
I've sent packages with everything from junk food, to magazines, to Christmas decorations!
And it doesn't have to be expensive - you can recruit the neighborhood kids to each draw a picture or write a letter and send them over to add a little cheer to an the soldiers' base!
Do your part to make sure our military men and women know we appreciate them and all the sacrifices they make for this great country we live in!
(I have no personal affiliation with AnySoldier, nor did they ask me to write this post... I just think what they do is amazing and wanted to spread the word!)
I'm a big supporter of the website,, and what they do. I've mentioned them a few times on my blog but here's a quick explanation...
Soldiers who are at war can add their name/address to the list and request care packages either for themselves or for others in their platoon that maybe don't have family and friends sending them little pieces of home.
There are HUNDREDS of servicemen and women on this site, from all branches of the military. Some are asking for personal hygiene products, some are requesting books, and some just want anything from home to help ease their homesick hearts.
I've sent packages with everything from junk food, to magazines, to Christmas decorations!
And it doesn't have to be expensive - you can recruit the neighborhood kids to each draw a picture or write a letter and send them over to add a little cheer to an the soldiers' base!

(I have no personal affiliation with AnySoldier, nor did they ask me to write this post... I just think what they do is amazing and wanted to spread the word!)

Just stumbled on your blog...LOVE it! Super adorable. Can't wait to read more! ;)
LOVE IT!!! I will be doing this pronto! Aidyn would love to draw pictures for a real solider :)
p.s. your links dont work :( But I Think I can find it on my own!
That is very sweet!
Thank you for sharing this link...I have already been brainstorming how I could do this in my future classroom!
I just randomly came across your blog and noticed this post! I am an army wife and I am now recruiting my friends and family to help me send some packages! Thank you!
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