It's funny how even after spending just shy of a week total combined in Frederick, MD I have become quite fond of the town and even fell into some sort of routine.
Per usual, LT worked all day Friday and Saturday while I proceeded to shop, drink coffee at their little cafe, meet him for lunch, and shop some more while waiting for him to get off work. In fact I did almost all my Christmas shopping while there.
Rough life, eh.
One of my favorite moments of the trip was Sunday though. LT had the day off, and since I was (HA) supposed to be flying out early Monday morning we had decided to go ahead and make the hour drive to Baltimore, spend the day on the harbor and get a hotel near the airport.
We spent nearly the entire evening just wandering around on the waterfront, ducking into shops, admiring the sites, grabbing drinks, and just talking.
That's what I miss the most with him being gone. Is sitting across from one another, drink in hand, chatting about anything and everything for hours on end.
Phone calls just fall short.
Anyways, sob story aside. It was a really nice long weekend. We didn't do anything spectacular. Had dinner at a few spots that we had fallen in love with last time I was in town, watched a few movies, shopped a little, wandered hand in hand and just soaked up being together. It's funny how much you take the smallest things for granted.
I'm grateful he is only a short hour and half flight away, and keeping my fingers crossed that they wrap up their work there sometime soon to head home but no one really knows any info there for sure. Back to long distance'dom for now. Wahhh!