I've been avoiding this post, or this blog in general actually. It's been a rough week.
Moving out of my childhood home and into a place of my own brought a lot of anxiety and confusion. I was scared and overwhelmed.
I didn't feel comfortable. I felt sad and lost and mostly lonely. Chris was there, just like we had planned. But it just didn't help. I was upset and aggravated by anything that he did.
I was flooded with all these emotions and continually found myself in tears. I didn't know if I was even ready to live on my own, let alone live with a boyfriend.
Chris left for work last Monday morning with our predetermined plan to go stay at his dads on the other side of town to give me some time to calm down and hopefully get a little settled and a little more comfortable in the house. My house.
As the days passed I was beginning to feel a little better about being on my own, and a little more hesitant about my relationship about Chris. I hadn't been happy lately. I didn't know if it was just stress from dang near renovating an entire house in just under 3 months and spending nearly everyday together. All I knew was that I hadn't gotten butterflies lately. I didn't get excited to see him. I felt like I had a grudge against him.
He continued to stay at his dad's all last week, and then went down to Louisville to see his mom and sister this past weekend. I'm not sure if it helped clear my mind or just helped me avoid the situation in general. Out of sight, out of mind.
My decision really shouldn't have been that difficult to make. Either we a) break-up and give it some time
b) we stay together & he moves out or
c) we stay together and he stays in the house
But I just felt so confused all week. My mind changed every 10minutes. I just wanted to feel happy. I didn't want to feel lost and out of my element anymore.
Sunday came. Chris was supposed to come over so we could talk. I called him that morning and said that if I was that confused, we should probably just break up. After 2 years together I should know what I want, right?
Then I panicked thinking about everything we shared and all the memories we had made. When he showed up I just broke down into a big blubbering mess.
I just wanted to feel like I knew what I wanted. Chris ended up calling my mom to come over to calm me down. All three of us had a long talk and she made a point that we both sort of missed.
That we simply hadn't been having fun together. It'd been 3 months of work work work and I don't even think we went on a single date in that time span. Sure we grabbed bdubs at 8pm covered in paint and sawdust.
So we decided to try to work things out. Chris is moving out for now, we need to make sure our relationship is stable before we go and throw "living together" into the mix.
We're going to try harder to go on dates and laugh and enjoy each other. I don't know how it'll all turn out, but for now I'm giving it my best shot and keeping my chin up.
Honestly, I feel silly and hokey that I got so upset about moving out and about living with someone. But thats just me I guess.
It might not make sense to anyone else, but it makes sense to us. And that's really all that matters.