
Life's Important Questions

I may be alone on this, but I highly doubt it.

Every night I climb into bed, plug my phone in, and proceed to carry on text conversations for at least a good thirty minutes.

But you know that point when you hit the wall and start dozing off, that's what I'm curious about.

Do you sign off or do you just let the conversations hang? Maybe not even at night, maybe during the day - when you are carrying on a conversation...

Are there certain people who you text goodbye to? Are there certain people you just simply don't want to end the conversation with? Do you accidentally fall asleep before you have a chance to say you're going to bed?

C'mon people, these are important life questions!

Me - I will tell certain people that I'm callin it a night. Mostly those who I know will keep texting, a lot of the others I just let them hang. Is that rude?!



Michelle (michabella) said...

depends on the person... soldier boy i will end the convo and say goodnight, but many nights i have left him hanging b/c i passed out mid-conversation! others i just don't respond to, like girlfriends. they know i am an old lil lady and go to bed early.

christin said...

I'm a douche and I usually just doze off.

Leslie said...

It usually depends on who it is.. but I feel rude if I just don't respond! I usually just straight up tell them I'm falling asleep :)

Caroline said...

I usually tell people, but that's just me. I hate leaving a conversation just lagging.

KRISTIN said...

I'll usually let people hang unintentionally because I legit fall asleep in the middle of the convo...but I will usually send them a "Whoops, I feel asleep" text in the morning. :)

Alana Christine said...

I do the SAME thing! lol. I usually leave them hanging--I'm sure they can put two and two together and figure out that I fell asleep...

Anonymous said...

Most people realize when I fall asleep! If it's the boy, then I always say goodnight... unless I fall asleep mid-convo like I did last night! lol

Erica said...

I'm with you, if it's someone I know will keep texting (or someone who is drunk, lol) I'll say goodnight. I do almost always say "bye" somehow as well.

Melissa Jo said...

I normally just stop texting unless it is one of two people, everybody else gets nothing. It's not rude it is texting!

tara said...

i have this same question about tweeting. so i normally send out a goodnight tweet so people know i wont be responding to them for the next 8 hours or so.

Adrienne said...

I end conversations, haha, I'm so formal and old fashioned. I have to say goodbye or I feel like I'm being rude.

Sarah @ Scissors and a Whisk said...

If it's a close friend or family, I'll tell them I'm going to bed. Other people....... I ignore and later I'll give a quick apology and pick up where we left off :)

Megan said...

definitely depends on the person. My gfs know if I don't respond, i'm out. I have one gf that we could text forever so one of us says something inappropriate/offensive to anyone else. Others I say good night.

Amanda said...

I think it depends on who and what you're talking about. I have some friends where we just stop and let it hang and that's totally normal and fine and other friends where we do the formal "talk to you soon xoxo". Does that make sense?

Tiffany said...

I tend to fall asleep and let the messages hang.

Al said...

I must have ADD, because I can NEVER finish a convo...they all seem to...

Oohhhh look, there goes a squirrel!!!

What was I saying??


Marian said...

Oh, I'm a total hanger...not on purpose though...I either just forget or don't have anything to say