Link up with Life After I "Dew" if you wanna dish too!
So what...if I sample everything I bought as soon as I get home from the grocery. Seriously - last night I had black olives, swiss cheese, lunch meat turkey, greek yogurt, a couple raspberries, then I finally sauteed up some veggies and pretended I had some sort of well-balanced meal.
So what... if I go through phases with black olives. I will be addicted to them for a few months then absolutely hate them for a few. Anyone else do this with food?
So what... if even though I live alone, I still have to fit ME days into my schedule. Last night was one. It was glorious. I tend to end up doing SOMETHING every night it seems, so I turned down all plans and just took it easy last night! Grocery, workout and a redbox.
So what... if I got a wild hair last night and decided to do the Plyo dvd from p90x. Holy hell. Sitting,standing, stairs and squatting are all proving to be a challenge today.
So what... I am +1-ing at a wedding this Friday night. We went on a little shopping excursion for a suit jacket for him, and the fella helping us at Nordstrom kept referring to me as "the better half". Things like "How do you think he looks in this jacket, better half?" were being thrown around like it was nothing. I couldn't help but to laugh & just go along with it.
So what... if internally, that Fear of Commitment portion of my brain was going SHITSHITSHIT evacuate the area. ;)
So what... if I'm learning all these little quirks that I can and cannot handle in guys I date. Like shoes. I notice those first. I really need a guy to be at least semi-fashionable. Or willing to let me overhaul le closet. I can't date ugly. So shoot me -- just being honest.
So what... if I stopped at a busy gas station last week, pulled my car in, parked, got out, realized my gas tank is on the other side. I've had my car for what 3 years now? So I had to get back in and turn around. How embarrassing.
So what... if my ice cream addiction hasn't slowed down at all. Still hitting up DQ at least once a week. Dairy is detrimental to your health though, right?
So what... if I didn't sit any trash out for trash day this week. I just didn't feel like it to be honest - I felt like such a rebel. So exhilarating, disobeying chores. I get wild. Lemme tell yah.