So every year around this time there's a big quilt show in Paducah, Kentucky. And when I say big I mean HUGE! Just about every store in their town has fabric vendors taking it over during this weekend, the antique stores, grocery stores and even the Harley shop had been overrun by quilters! My mom and I went a few years ago and had a blast. We bought so much cute fabric and couldn't wait to go back this year!
So at noon on Thursday I left work, met mom at home (along with her friend Gina) and headed out on our 5.5 hour drive. Girls weekend, woohoo!
We did a lot of fabric shopping. Aside from food and a few vintage pieces of jewelry (which I can't wait to share in a future post) all I bought was fabric! I came home with two huge bags and I can't wait to share photos, I hope to get a few quilts made and up for sale in the next few months!
One of my favorite reasons to go to Paducah is because of Hancocks of Paducah. Every year they have huge tables set up of precut fabric that is atleast 50% off of what you'd normally pay. It's typically a madhouse (see photo) with women surrounding all the tables going through fabric.
If you can't tell, I was by far the youngest person with the exception of children in strollers that had no choice but to come. Hah I love it though! These ladies are so sweet, and are just so impressed that someone my age is into quilting! They are always asking me questions, not to mention glaring at my bright, bold fabric choices in comparison to their muted colors!
We got back in town Sunday afternoon, and of course I was sad to be back to the real world and work today! Oh how I love days when I don't have to wake up to my alarm!! To be honest, I missed ChrisChris though, so I was atleast excited to come back and see him. I had a blast spending the weekend with my mom, too. The older I get the more I appreciate the time I get to spend with her! I love that it no longer feels like we're just mother/daughter but also that we're friends!

I wish I knew how to quilt. BD's grandma is a big quilter, and I am hopeing she can teach me in the next few years! Can't wait to see your work and fabric choices!
that sounds so fun! i too am a 20 something stuck in a 60 something body!
Sounds like you had fun! All girls weekends are the best :-) Who cares if you like fabric and like to quilt! Doesn't mean you're an old lady :-)
I am also a 20 something in an old persons body...sad day haha. Hope your weekend was fab :)
I love Hancocks of Paducah! Spend way too much time (& money) on their website!
Girl.....I'm in my 20's going on my 50's!! I think it's cool that you quilt! :) Something unique and not-so-everyday that us 20-something year old gals do!!
how much FUN! i wish i was crafty enough to make ANYTHING with fun fabric!!!
i think it sounds kinda fun!! i alaways say im a 60 yr old trapped in a 26 yr olds body! haha
So jealous! I really wish that my Nanny had made me sew with her when I was growing up because now I want to do it but can't catch up! She's great she embroiders, quilts, sews (makes clothes) and so much more :)
I love that you are into quilting...very cute!
hah! This is pure awesomeness - love that you are an old lady trapped in a youngin's body. This looks like such a blast. I cant tell you how much I love looking through fabrics!
I totally feel like I'm stuck in a 60 year olds body too! I would have been there too if they had something like that in my town! My boyfriends mom has the best collection of fabric! It's so fun to have tons of pretties on hand for when creativity strikes!
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