I'm wearing jeans to work today, shhh don't tell. We will call them gray denim-esque pocket pants with zipper.
I've also got a hot pink blazer on. HOT pink. It sorta clashes with my highlighter pink nails. Meh.
I got called a hipster this morning after posting a picture of my braided hair. Who knew I was really being a hipster ages 4-16 when I wore braids at least 3 days a week.
I spelled consciousness right on the first try when I began typing this post. That deserves some sort of celebratory pat on the back, no?
After spending Friday and Saturday alternating between maintaining a coma-like state and puking my guts out, I went on a serious shopping spree Sunday. It didn't take long to convince my mom she should buy an XBox Kinect. So I could play it mostly. (Thank god for buying a house 7 minutes away from your parents). We got the zumba game. It kicked my ass.
I'm still bound & determined to learn how to salsa dance. I can promise you that video game is not in any way helping to perfect my technique though.
The guy working at the Walmart electronics section was pretty dang cute though.
Eek. I think I need to set my standards higher.
Thank god I will be on a beach in like a week and a half. I clearly can't even create complete thoughts.
Come back tomorrow - it's So What Wednesday, I have a lot of SoWhat'ing to do. A LOT.