I instinctively tried the blue one first. I think I even threw the bottle in the car when we were heading downtown to tailgate for a Colt's game! Blue drink, blue team. Perfect.
I always try every light liquor with Sprite (and every dark with cola) off the bat. And I hit the nail on the head! It's this passionfruit, cherry, not syrupy, fun, easy to drink cocktail!
And it's not super girly either... I made a drink for HJ once, and now he asks me to get more all the time!
I've heard of people mixing Alize with champagne or just drinking it on the rocks, but I preferred my Bleu + Sprite version the best!
UPDATED: Apparently, miss Chelsea isn't the only one lovin on the Alize... Miss Jenn over at West Sac Honey, is also a proud fan. She wanted me to inform you all that (and I quote) in her days as an Alize Promo Girl, she did infact meet a lot of brotha's. Proof:

Alize is delish! I guess maybe I know cuz where I grew up, lol. Whatever though, I still think it's a yummy drink.
I used to drink Alize on the rocks a lot in college actually :)
Sounds so good. Like I reallly need one today. So...work your magic Pippa. <3
I am definitely going to have to try this
"A brotha's drink"...that description alone makes me want to try it!!
Bahahahaha i about died laughing when you said "brotha". And GO COLTS!
Yum! Sounds tasty!
NOM. I could go for one of those (or 10) right about now... Just sayn'
I actually really like Alize!
Used to drink it a lot in school!
Hilarious and you know why! Oh Alize those were the days!
HA! Oh Jenn. That is awesome.
I LOVE ALIZE. So flipping good!!!
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