MeltyourheartrightIknow?! Buuuut.... there is more to this post than just adorableness.
The older of the two little skittles is having open heart surgery today at Riley... it will be his 4th surgery. Soo maybe keep him in your thoughts? Eat some M&M's for him, listen to some Marley (he loooves Bob Marley) and ask whoever you believe in to keep him safe and happy.
Thanks, I know Scott and his family would appreciate it!

Awwww, they are so adorable and it's heartbreaking that he has to go through that. They are definitely in my thoughts and prayers today.
Nothing is hotter than a man who is good with kids... :) Truly adorable photo!! And know that my thoughts and prayers are with that beautiful little boy and his family...xoxo, girl!
Ow ow!!! Can I get his number? #crossedtheline? #totallykidding
I can't believe that lil skittle has had so many surgeries! Poor thing. Def lifting him up in prayer right now. #xoxo
I just said a prayer for that precious boy!
Poor little guy! Thinking of him today!
Omgosh! Warm thoughts & well wishes going out to Skittles today!
Thinking of that sweet boy today! Hope all goes well with his surgery!!!
Saying a prayer for the little skittle!
P.S. Scottie is a hottie ;)
as another OHS survivor to another - I'll be praying for that little one!!! xoxox
I hope everything goes well today...
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