TMI? Sorry.
Anyways, as I was perched on the toilet of my downstairs bathroom I realized I have never shared with you what might be my single greatest design feat in my house.
The chalkboard. Not the one in the kitchen (perhapsI have a chalkboard addiction?)
The one in my bano. The downstairs potty room. The one that every guest to my house usually visits at least once. To say this chalkboard gets some action would be an understatement!
Unsuspecting boys usually don't even notice the first time... they just comment on the box of chalk above the toilet (I really need to come up with some other cute way to hold the chalk, don't I?! Note to self - work on that)
Oh but the ladies... the ladies notice. It's at the right height & distance from the porcelain throne that you can doodle to your hearts content. And the fellas join in on the fun once they figure out what's going on behind them!
I've had a few visitors remark that it might be the most fun idea for a bathroom that they have ever seen.
And yes, I have noticed that people tend to spend a bit more time in there, finishing up their quote or masterpiece of a drawing. Or maybe that's just their excuse for the extended bathroom time.

What a cute idea and a great way for guests to leave little notes!
I love this idea!! I may have to copy it, but with a custom dry erase...
(I hate chalk...totally give me the heeby-jeebies...that may be the only reason I'm not a teacher! haha)
Max and Erma's (restaurant) has chalkboards in the bathroom! Way cool!!!
BRILLIANT my friend...brilliant.
You need a little wicker(sp?) basket for that chalk.
That is a fabulous idea that I am seriously thinking of copying :)
Hahahahaha I love it! :)
OMG! I love that you have a chalkboard in the bathroom! What a fun and fantastic idea :)
So they can doodle WHILE they doodoo? BAHAHAH!
You are genius!
I love it! What a fun idea!
Ummmm ... hilarious! I love it!
I have friends that have a crossword puzzle book that sits next to the potty. I've been over at their house before for parties and spent tooooo much time in the bathroom due to that silly book. People have probably thought I had an upset stomach - YIKES.
This is the best idea! Omgosh, can you imagine hanging another behind the toilet how different the girls/boys drawings would be? haha!
What a cool idea!!
And here I was this WHOLE time thinking I was the only one who did the "pee pee" dance... geesh thank the lawd I am not! haha Love the chalkboard... what a fun idea!
Sooooo much fun! It reminds me of people writing on the bathroom stalls at bars!
I LOOOOVE the chalkboard!! Oh I'm so having one in my home one day!! I love the idea of guests leaving little notes and drawings!
OMG! That is a GREAT idea! I think I need to steal this idea!
Such a good idea! I never thought about having one in the bathroom, but it would be fun to see what people think of when they're in the loo.
ha! That's freaking fantastic! I love it!
I may just steal this idea...but def give props to you when doing so:) And I love how someone was playing tic-tac-toe:)
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