You see, for the better part of last week I wanted to die every time I ate. My stomach would just go wack and hurt so.damn.bad. Naturally, I threw back some tums and sucked it up. As I'd be clutching a pillow to my gut, tightly curled up in the fetal position.
On Friday I thought maybe it was alcohol causing it, so I decided not to drink all weekend. And I still wanted to die. But the pain would fade every time, and being the stubborn little lady I am - I kept on truckin' without much of a second thought.
Saturday morning my friend picked me up and we headed out to the track to enjoy a little pre-Brickyard fun. We grabbed breakfast on the way, and walked over to the track. Stupid Move #1: I ducked into the gas station to grab some pills because my stomach hurt so bad I was struggling to walk. I figured if I took some antacids it would ease up.
We proceeded to get our pit passes, and head into the track. As we're standing there talking to a car owner I'm eyeing my surroundings trying to spot the nearest restroom. I duck out, nearly at a run, and start dry heaving as soon as I lock myself into the stall.
A good thirty or so minutes later, after I've puked every ounce of ANYTHING out of my body, I still have the most excruciating pain in my abdomen. I regain as much composure as I can, and go back to find my friend. It doesn't take long before he tells me he's taking me home and we trek back to his truck.
The thing is, I couldn't even walk. I literally sat on a curb and waited for him to go get the truck come pick me up.
I got home and resumed the fetal position on my couch. Except it wasn't easing up, if anything it was getting worse. I finally threw the white flag and called my dad and asked him to come get me. And he ushered me off to those all too familiar emergency room doors at the nearest hospital.
An IV, some pain meds, a bazillion labs later, they tell me that the only thing that didn't look normal were my slightly elevated white blood cell levels. They tried to toss it aside as nothing, really, handed me three prescriptions (for nausea, an antacid, and a pain pill) and sent me on my way.
(Updated: Lo & behold... glug goes the ol' gallbladder )

Also depending on where in your stomach, could be endometriosis which is undetectable without surgery of some kind (mine was detected during appendectomy). Good luck!
Feel better blog friend!
I hope you get some answers!! :(
Girl hope you get some answers! DEMAND them! Tell them to check EVERYTHING! Thats just not right!
UGH! Seriously! :( Feel better friend! I hope they figure it out quickly!
Sounds like a gallbladder to me - my mom and sister have both had theirs removed over the past few years, and their symptoms sound JUST like yours. Hope you feel better!
Im so sorry your feeling so terrible, get better soon love !
Oh man! Hope things get figured out! No fun at all!
Yeah I clearly know nothing about medical issues but my mom had the same type of thing you're describing and it was her gallbladder. Worth getting it checked I suppose. Hope you've been feeling better now!
Hoping they figure it out!!
oh Chelsea you poor thing!! Hope your feeling better!
I had my gallbladder removed when I was 14 for something very similar. My money is on that. In the meantime, eat very bland foods. Potatoes-no butter, bananas, no dairy. toast-no topping. rice.
I had the same issue once-in Target of all places and had to be ushered out by ambulance because I had a panic attack on top of it all. I had a gall stone attack. They said if I have one again within 6 mo I would need to get it removed. I had one again at work about 4 months later. Now I'm gall bladder free and aside from some small digestive issues (no biggie) I'm happy that I never have to go through that again!!!! Good luck!!!
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