But that's neither here nor there.
The first and the second house had a brilliant hue of reddish-orange shag carpeting. Odd coincidence considering they were built roughly 70 years apart.
The first smelled of an airport smoker's lounge. The second smelled of old people and dog pee. The third featured a mixture of diesel fuel and brand new carpet (a heavenly scent if I may add - right up there with new car and fresh paint. New carpet that is, I'm not a huffer)
The third house had a back yard the length of my forearm. I kid you not I could reach out the bedroom window and into the neighbors pantry to grab an afternoon snack.
Still following?
How about a fun "I Spy" game.... here's the kitchen in the second house.

My dear friends, this isn't a trick, there's not cabinets on a back wall or something... this house had NONE of that. This was the kitchen, in it's entirety. I was baffled when we stepped foot in there and still am. It's not like there's a spot for them and they've sSomebody lives in this house right now without any appliances but a kitchen sink.
House #3 got nixed as soon as we pulled up and I noticed my car would never fit into the garage (Cammie's got them child-berthing hips... she's no skinny car!) I see a lot of potential in house #1 and #2. I got a fuzzy in my tummy about house #1. It's in a neighborhood though, a quiet neighborhood. Am I a neighborhood gal? And it's not the 'charming old house' that I had envisioned myself buying... it's definitely the level of 'fix-me-up, make-me-pretty' that I want though!
It figures that the one I see the most potential in, is also a possible short sale. I despise short sales, all I have heard are horror stories. I'm afraid of them.
Alas, the two houses that I most like (one that I first looked at a few months ago, and house #1 from last night) are in the short sale limbo... so I'm still considering my options! The saga continues!

I love the aesthetics of house number 2!! Very cute! But a kitchen with like NO kitchen .... NEEEEXT!!
Come move by me!!!!
Ah I love #2! It is adorable from the outside...now that kitchen, not so much! I am sure you would make it great though!
#1 is great too and I (personally) would love that it's in a neighborhood. Think about the future :) And besides at least you still will have the city within your fingertips!
House #2 looks so great from the outside. That had to be frustrating to find a lack of kitchen when you got inside!
House #1 is great too!
Good luck!
OK - House #2 is adorable, but no kitchen = no good! :) I think House #1 reminds me a lot of my house. I never thought I wanted a ranch style home... until I had one. I love it! As for living in a neighborhood... I wasn't sure on that either. But I also love that. Not sure on shortsales... I avoided those like the plague!
Good luck girlie!!
i love the looks of house #2 from the outside - now if only the stench didnt come with it along with a microwave, stove and fridge!!! good luck - you will find a perfect fit for you!! you just gotta keep looking
No appliances?! No fridge?! AGH! No.way. I can't believe that! What a cute house, though, but wow!
Love how you compared that other house to an ex. So funny and so true... So jealous of your home-buying! I did all my budgeting and realized I couldnt afford one this year despite heavily planning and anticipating to buy one...so I opted to go on vacation. Mature? Prolly not. haha.. Whatevs.
I cant imagine a kitchen without any appliances?! But don't worry girl, all this hard work will pay off sooner or later!
First of all thank you for the birthday wish to Aries it means a ton. Second keep looking your heart will tell you when its right. even if its a fixer uper or a short sale or whatever when its right you will know!! Trust yourself
aside from the teeny kitchen, #2 is so adorable!
I like #2 and #3!
#2 looks so cute! I love house hunting - but you are right it can be so stressful. At least you don't feel rushed or pressured to just buy something. Take your time and weigh all your options. Your perfect house is waiting for you! Can't wait to see what you finally choose!
HOUSE 2 is my fav! I hear house hunting is so tedious!
Oh my word, I love the outside of #2! That kitchen is so odd! But I'm sure you could do something fabulous with it - Do you read Young House Love? Their kitchen underwent a huge makeover and turned out amazing!
My hubby and I actually bought a short sale house and it worked out perfectly! We closed within a couple months of making an offer! So don't be too scared - There are some success stories.
PS - I'm a new follower! I just love Mateya, and I finally visited your blog to link up to the scarf swap post and I love it!
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