
2013 by the numbers

Sending 2013 on it's merry way. What a year.

50 hours logged in Las Vegas

23 concerts

12 months watching my niece battle beat cancer

8 Sundays spent tailgating

4 ER visits

1 new niece



Amanda aka Manda said...

Looks like one heck of a year! Hopefully 2014 means no ER visits and no surgeries, but mostly NO cancer for lil miss!!!

Jess @ Living On Sweet Tea said...

23 concerts?! freakin awesome.

Holly said...

Hell of a year you had! Hopefully your 2014 recap will include at least 1 visit from me! Happy New Year, my friend!

Kailagh Anne said...

When it comes to miles flown, I bet we are pretty similar. I love this idea of numbers. and BEAT cancer?! that is one hell of a year. Lots of celebrating for 2014.

xo. Kailagh