That being said, I've never graced a dirt track with my presence. When a couple of my guy friends caught wind of this they immediately loaded me into a truck on a sunny Wednesday afternoon and whisked me off to good ol Kokomo, Indiana - the land of a dirt track, a strip club, and a Chrysler plant.
Maybe it should be mentioned that when I climbed into the truck, there was a goody bag waiting for me. I knew it would be a fun night.
I really had no idea what I was getting myself into, but getting dirty really is my forté so I found little cause for concern.
That being said, I was slightly caught off guard when I'm following the guys through the lot full of trailers and get lead into one only to run face to face into Tony. Good ol' Smoke. Who even knew he stepped foot off the Nascar circuit? Not this lady.
So I did what any girl would do - posed with his helmet and blasted it on social media like some kind of racer chaser. And then went on about my night. I never really cared about him, until spending the whole night around him I realized what a smartass he was. Therefore, he's a-ok in my book. I might even cheer for him next time I see a Nascar race.
(Side note - could Kyle Larson be any tinier? I just wanted to put him in my pocket)
My eyes and throat burned for the three days following. I don't even want to think about my poor lung.
In all honesty though, watching a dirt race was farrrr more exciting than watching pavement. So we may be in some trouble boys & girls.