Now wait, before you go scorning me and thinking what a terrible blogger I am, let me just say that this blog has thousands of followers, so it's not really THAT big of a deal that I am
Keyword is trying. This blog has atleast 10-20 updates per day, and for someone like me who freaks out if my GoogleReader count is about 100, those 20some new posts a day add up quick. And the things they talk about are not very relevant to me anymore.
So I did the logical thing, I unsubscribed from the blog via Google Reader. All good right? Wrong. The very next day it appeared again in my Reader. Ok, I'm thinking, maybe I just THOUGHT I clicked unsubscribe, so I go through the motions again. And again. And again. And every single day for the past few months I have been unsubscribing and this monster of a blog keeps coming back!
Mysteriously at some point in the day my Reader will jump from 67 unread items to 467 unread items and after recovering from my "OH MY GOSH IMPORTANT THINGS ARE HAPPENING I MUST STOP DOING REAL WORK AND FIND OUT WHAT'S HAPPENING IN THE BLOGOSPHERE" I realize it's that same damn blogs (Yes, blogs plural... I now have about 3 or 4 that I have been wrestling to remove!) I have tried every route to unsubscribe- clicking the dropdown by it's name in Reader, going to "Update Subscriptions", even unsubscribing from the blog site directly. It all works for about 24 hours and then it's back!
I need help you guys. It's driving me bonkers. I am a control freak, and this is far beyond my control. Make it stop!

Hmm... that is weird! I haven't ever had a problem unsubscribing to a blog and I use Google reader too. (insert twilight zone music) Now I want to know what blog it is so I won't subscribe!
I had that same problem before too. I figured out that you need to go into your blogger dashboard and manage the blogs you follow. From there you should be able to unfollow that blog. If you don't unfollow it then your Reader will continuously updated with the blogs you follow. Hope that helps. :) XOXO
hmmm very weird. I wish I had some advice for issue seems to be more with blogs I am following NOT showing up!
That's weird...I don't use Google reader but that would totally annoy me!
That's so weird. Wish I could help you. I just keep missing blogs that I normally read. Don't know what's up with that. Good luck!
Strange! Hope you get it off soon! I'm OCD about my Google Reader HA!
Oh no that's bad. I wish I knew how to solve your problem, but I can't even figure out Google Reader lol. Granted I should look more into it because I follow so many blogs.
I wish I could help! Have you contacted blogger? Shoot them an email maybe they can help!
I had that problem too! I did it a few times and finally unfollowed and that seemed to work. Just deleting them from my reader did not. So annoying!
That is so crazy!! I have never had that problem when I have unsubscribed. Maybe Blogger can help? When all else fails, I Google until I find an answer that solves my problem.
OMG CHelsea Im having the same issue!!!!!
Gwen got it right, you just need to 'manage your subscriptions' in your Blogger dashboard and remove them from your list. I've done the same thing for the same reason and no longer have those problems :)
Ugh, that is so frustrating... I'm sorry! Wish I could offer some advice but I've got nothing hah :)
I subscribed to THE MOST annoying blog (didn't realize how annoying it was at the time), and it WON'T GO AWAY! If you figure it out, let me know!
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