I've got a bit of a melancholy mood lingering over my head today. Yesterday I had another eye episode. I don't think I've talked about them on the blog... I joke that I have a brain tumor. It's probably not a very funny joke, and Chrischris doesn't exactly appreciate it. Understandable.
I've always gotten bad headaches. For as long as I can remember. We would attribute them to allergies (I take daily medicine now), poor eating habits (I actually eat pretty darn healthy), needing glasses (20/20 vision), whatever. In late high school I began to get migraines, and throughout college I would have absolutely horrendous ones.
One in particular sticks out in my mind - I left class 20 minutes into it because I threw up, on the drive home it felt like there were knives being stabbed into my temples and under my cheek bones. I got home and tried everything, the hot shower, Excedrin Migraine, sinus medicine, nothing worked, I threw up again and my mom ended up driving me to the emergency room. They gave me a shot and like a miracle within 30 minutes everything was gone.
Well lately my head has been mixing it up a little. I will be perfectly fine, until the vision in my right eye begins to go wacky. It starts to look like when you've rubbed your eyes, with the stars and bright parts. Eventually all of my peripheral vision goes out, most of the field of vision in my right eye looks like I'm underwater (wavy and funky) and my left eye starts to do the same. I can look straight forward, hold my hands out in front of me and not be able to see either of them. But there's no pain. Just loss of vision.
My doctor has chalked it up to migraines, saying blurred vision is a symptom, and offered to set me up for a brain scan. Except I've got the cheapest insurance known to man and don't want to pay thousands of dollars for a brain scan. Call me stubborn. Whatever. Plus I feel like I'd rather have them scan the brain when my eyes are going funky rather than when I feel fine.
Anyways, once my vision comes back to normal on comes the migraine from hell. And that, my friends, is how I spent me evening. I still have a bit of a headache hanging on this morning too.
I don't know where they come from, why I get them or how to prevent them. And honestly, yea it is a bit scary to watch as your field of vision disappears.