
I'm the kinda girl...

I'm the kinda girl who will always respond that "I'm fine", mostly because whatever issues I'm dealing with pale in comparison to what I see others going through.

I'm the kinda girl who would rather be 20 minutes late to work than wearing something I hate. I just can't do it. I can't go on to have any sort of productive day if I'm constantly looking down disappointed at what I have on.

I'm the kinda girl who will buy 10 pairs of shoes on one shopping trip, but put off buying a nude colored bra for 18 months. (It's just so... boring. But neon pink or cobalt blue showing through all my white shirts is a tad tacky)

I'm the kinda girl who will sleep in hoodies and sweatpants so I can bump my thermostat way down all winter long. That money I don't spend on utilities translates into more vacations and traveling!

I'm the kinda girl who struggles to justify spending $500 on a weekend trip, when I can spend $750 on a whole week.

I'm the kinda girl who (gasp) doesn't really like all my food (or really any, for that matter) smothered in cheese.

I'm the kinda girl who is too stubborn to ask for help, and often to prideful to admit I needed it... but often beyond grateful for that saving grace who steps up and unknowingly offers it.

I'm the kinda girl who sleeps with a Louisville Slugger next to her bed. Hey, I live alone. Rather be safe than sorry. Miss Underwood also gave me some good tips on other uses for it.

I'm the kinda girl who will jump off a rocky cliff into the ocean on a whim, but spend 20 minutes in the soap aisle debating between Amber and Cedarwood

I'm the kinda girl who will make double the scrambled eggs, and open two things of yogurt, and have breakfast put my pup on the living room floor on Saturday mornings

I'm the kinda girl who who got unreasonably excited about the dry erase board 12pack of Expos I just ordered for my office.

I'm the kinda girl who will bake a double batch of cupcakes on whim because I just had an urge. And then give them all away because I think cupcakes are disgusting.

(my homegirl Holly started this whole idea, so go blame her. Or don't. Or join in. That's fine too.)


Whitney Ellen said...

True life: I wear tank tops under, just about, everything because I've yet to purchase myself a nude bra. They're just so BLAH and no thank you.

Holly said...

I only buy nude or black bras because I hate wasting money on bras I won't wear because you can see them through my clothes. Ahhh, I'm boring! Will you and Whitney still be my friends?!!

I hate when I have on an outfit I'm not comfortable in. It seriously distracts me all day. I feel ya!

I always give the "I'm fine" mostly because I don't want to get into it and make a bigger deal of things. I like to sort my own shit out. And you're right, I'm sure what I'm dealing with pales in comparison to what others go through.

I'm indecisive, but I'd jump off a rocky cliff. Sounds like fun. But picking out soap or other items that should be a no brainer...forget about it. Why are there so many options?!

Thanks for linking up!!!

Mateya said...

I am the same way with finding something to wear. I'm late for work almost every day anyway, but I have to make sure I like what I'm wearing.

I'm with Holly, I only buy like black or nude bras because I never end up wearing the fun ones. Also, I hate bra shopping.

Sarah said...

I'm with ya on the stubbornness. I would rather just figure it out on my own!

Emily said...

This is a fun linkup! I am with you on bumping the furnace down to save dollars! I do not quite understand how you don't like cupcakes though.....

Jen said...

I am the same way when it comes to buying bras!!! It's so boring!

his little lady said...

What a great way to get to know you better! I'm definitely a girl that is too stubborn to ask for help too.
xo TJ


Jess @ Living On Sweet Tea said...

I have and one day will jump off something into a body of water again.. but yeah I spend like 30 minutes deciding on a freaking soap or candle.

Shannon Dew said...

OK share your travel smarts with me! Jimmy & I are looking to go on a kid-free vaca this year and I have no clue how to get a deal!

The Purple Front Door said...

I'm also the kinda girl to keep the thermostat turned down! I even have my friends trained to bring a sweatshirt or even slippers with them when they come over because I'm not gonna make it any warmer...

Amanda aka Manda said...

I'm the same way about a lot of these! Especially, layering up and sleeping in a freezing house, the Louisville slugger, and the weekend vs week trips!

The Nanny Saga said...

Oh yes! Buying shoes is way more fun than buying a bra.. Unless it's Victoria's Secret semi annual sale.. Then there's no stopping me lol.

Kyla Makay said...

I'm the kind of girl that sleeps in a hoodie and sweats too! I hear ya! xx Ky


Unknown said...

I am way too stubborn to ask for help as well! And the same way with ths shoes/bras situation :)

Kristin said...

I enjoy making cupcakes but never eat them