
Just a boy with a vision.

This is my sunroom. It has a daybed. It has a lot of pillows. I like pillows. Pillows are comfortable and add interest.

This is my dog. He is cute and cuddly. He sleeps in the sunroom. The sunroom is also known as "Russell's Room.

Let me tell you a tale of these two characters....

Last night, after being tucked in and told "good night, sweet dreams, see you in the morning, love you", Russell the cuddly puppy had a creative vision.

Russell realized no pillows should have corners!

Russell tediously executed his vision while I slept soundly upstairs in my bed.

Imagine my excitement to see what a lovely job of redecorating he did upon my awakening this morning!

Russell did not get a treat this morning. Russell got a spanking. Russell does not have a future in interior design.



tara said...

Poor Russell!!! He's just trying to channel his creativity!! ;)

Aubrey S. said...

Oh no!

Alyssa said...

That is not a fun thing to wake up too! At least he's cute!

Carolyn said...

Oh no!!!! HAHAHAHA! (sorry... it's a little funny!) :) He's so cute!

Nikki said...

LMFAO! That's hysterical! Russel what were you thinking?

Jen said...

Haha oh silly Russell! :)

Candis @Candis-Bo-Bandis said...

We used to have pillows like that on our couch. My dog Rocco would go through and buck them all off the couch with his head. My dog Rizzo also thought they looked better without corners!

Sarah @ Scissors and a Whisk said...

That's awful!!! Lucy used to redecorate with shredded paper.