-Liv is facing her second battle with the same cancer, the Wilms tumor. She began chemo last week and will continue that for 12 weeks until hopefully surgery will be possible. She's such a strong little thing, I know she will get through this
-LT is still bouncing around the country doing the new gig. Since Chicago (and my overexaggerated meltdown) he has been to Louisiana twice and is now on the east coast dealing with the Hurricane Sandy mess.
-The great pantry redo of 2012 is still underway. My dad is insanely awesome. He has spent so many hours in that 5x8 room working effortlessly. To say I will have one heck of an amazing pantry is the understatement of the century.
-My weekends have been so full of concerts lately. So much good music and great times, I cannot wait to backtrack and share those with you!
-Work is finally slowing down post Halloween. Thank goodness. That was like 3 weeks of hell.
-Oh yea,I had a birthday in there. It was spectacular. I have the best family and friends, seriously! The big 25 now. I forget. I still try to tell people I'm 23. That's the age I always think I am ha.
I think that about highlights everything monumental and not-so-monumental. Hope you're all well!

So much going on lately!! :) Best of luck to sweet Olivia! She's going to get through this!
I can't wait to see your pantry! I bet I'll be super jealous! HAHA :)
At 29 almost 30, I still tell people I'm 25.
I saw your photo on IG, Liv seems to be one tough cookie. Thinking of you all!
east coast babyyyyyy
and liv is a fighter. she's got this in the bag.
I still think (and act) like I'm 23. Although I'm also 25 now. It's that damn denial!
And I applaud you for the long distance/ traveling relationship jazz. It's got to be hard, but SOOOO worth it!!
Busy busy lady! Best wishes to your friend!
Always praying for miss Olivia!
Hope LT gets to come home soon.
Oh wow, that's quite the catch-up!
Praying for Olivia, I hope LT comes home soon but that's awesome he's helping out!! Also, Happy Belated! At 27 I sometimes still think I'm 23 lol
Still praying for Olivia! Boo long distance relationships! Redo sounds exciting :)
Dude. I still say I'm 25...I'm 29.
You and the fam have been in my thoughts!!! So glad you had an amazing bday :)
Happy Belated Birthday! I still I'm think I'm 23 and I am most definitely NOT! I am thinking of your family & Olivia every day!!! xo.
Praying for sweet Olivia!!! ...and pshhh I feel bad Happy Belated Birthday girl! Hope things slow down (in the good kinda way) for you soon!!!
Quite the recap! But glad I got to catch up on your life in one quick post! I didn't realize LT was hopping around with that same job still.... Still thinking of Liv and your family!!!
I hope everything goes well with Liv! Will be praying! Also happy late birthday, you looked like you had so much fun! Hope everything else is well with you!
I in accomplishment enjoyed commemoration through this posting.Many thanks.
Thinking of you and the family and Miss Liv!!
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