
Any given Sunday

Somehow we stumbled into another set of Colts tickets for Sunday's game. Don't get me wrong, I'm def not complaining, it's just funny to me that we gave up our season tickets and yet have gone to almost all the games this year.

LT and I were planning on going down to tailgate anyways, so when I got a 9am phone call asking if I wanted a pair I figured why the heck not!?

Tailgating was a riot. Somehow (ahhem jello shots) our lil area turned into a giant dance party.
We shuffled, slid, superman'ed and gangnam'ed our hearts out.

The game was, well... Colts might need a little more than Luck to get them through the season.

We didn't let that stop the fun though, and we carried on the fun through the ride home with a mini karaoke session. As LT and I were gasping for breath through John Michael Montgomery's "She's an eight, she's a nine she's a ten I know. Got ruby red lips, blonde hair blue eyes and I'm about to bid my heart goodBYEEEEEE" I fought off a smile. The biggest smile.

This really is some kind of beautiful life I live, and I'm so thankful for silly days like yesterday that remind me of that.



Adventures in Mustache Riding

A few months back the little tweettweet bird popped up on my phone to tell me that a "Mustache Rides Indy" was now following me. A local taxi company. That gives you mustaches to wear.

Obviously, I realized that was undoubtedly the best business venture I had heard of in a long time, and pledged to take a mustache ride. The sooner the better.

Fast forward to the Jason Aldean & Luke Bryan concert last weekend. 9 of us stood in my driveway lugging coolers onto the Bus'tache.

It was a blast. Nobody had to worry about being DD, we could get up and dance, goof off, enjoy a few libations, all whilst being escorted by a dashing driver who had a handlebar mustache any post-pubescent boy would envy

(Yes, those are tiny party hats on our head complete with various Luke and Jason lyrics)

I won't even waste my time telling you how great the concert was. Duh - that's a given. Two of the hottest men in country music on one stage. Me-ow.

It's safe to assume we will be taking a bustache to every concert and event from now on.


Mixer & Mingle Fridays: Broke Girl Punch

Remember that time my boyfriend got shipped off to Chicago to work this intense, big money, big boy job and I was all "woe is me. Wahh wahhh' Eeyore day in and day out. And then I started to get the hang of things and then a slim 8 days later his company called him up and said 'pack'er boys we're sendin you home.'

Go ahead, please, join me in a blank death stare.

That's right, LT is now packed up and leaving the windy city. I won't even get into how ridiculous this all is.

I will, however, tell you that it makes me need a drink.

This punch came to form a few weeks ago when I had my girlfriends over for a BGNI (Broke Girls Night In) everyone brought some food, I provided the booze, and we spent a good four hours sitting around my dining room table stuffing our faces, drinking, gossiping and ranting. GLORIOUS.

I decided the first official BGNI needed an official drink, thus
Broke Girl Punch was born.

(2) Coronas (or Bud Light Lime, I used one of each - it's what I had)
(2) Frozen Limeade concentrates
(1) 2 liter Cherry 7-Up
Cruzan Black Cherry Rum

Pour the Limeade and Coronas into a pitcher, add about half the 2 liter of Cherry 7-Up, add about half the bottle of rum. Taste. Add more rum. Taste. Add more rum. Continue until your pleased. Serve over ice in red solo cups. (Hello, it's Broke Girl Punch, don't go gettin all fancy with glassware)

It tastes like Cherry Limeade with a kick. Enjoy!




I can't think of a way to describe this past weekend except curve ball.

I remember telling LT, as we were driving back from Michigan 2 weekends ago how excited I was that racing season was over, we would have so many free weekends to do fun stuff.  We decided we would spend all of Labor Day weekend together in the ultimate laid-back, unwind, lounge around kind of way.

Fast forward to the last day of August. I ran out to grab lunch and my phone rang while I was waiting on my order. "Hi babe... I uh, I have good news and I have bad news", he said. I don't know about you, but that phrase always has a way of making my heart sink.

"I was offered a job, the pay is amazing...." he told me, then a long pause, "but it's in Chicago. They need me there by 8 am tomorrow. I'll be working seven days a week, 8-7 every day pretty much."

About as quickly as my mind started reeling the tears started falling.
What? No. This wasn't fair.

It was Friday, the kickstart to our ultimate laid-back, unwind, lounge around kind of weekend. The start to us enjoying the off season and not spending every weekend racing. The start to all of the fun dates we talked about going on, places we wanted to go, concerts we wanted to see.

And just like that, here we are 6 days into this new 'thing'. What do you even call it? Our new arrangement? Our new life? Our new long-distance relationship?

It sucks. I think part of the reason it's been such a struggle for me was because I was completely blind-sided.  I knew he had been looking for something to fill up the off season, but I didn't expect this soon, I didn't expect him to have to leave the next morning, I didn't expect him to move three hours away, I didn't expect a seven day work week.

So, naturally I cried a lot. I know it's a seriously amazing opportunity that he couldn't pass up, and I really can't blame him. But my selfish side has spent a lot of time moping. I've never done this long-distance thing, I don't know how to do it. It's been a week of struggle.

I know all you are going "well good thing he isn't in the military and deployed" or "Chels get over yourself, he's only 3 hours away" but me and the "unknown" don't get along well, and right now we don't even know how long this gig will last. Weeks? Months? Years?

I always had joked with him about how I couldn't be surprised. Well, kudos boy, you pulled a hell of a surprise over on me.

So... there you have it. There's the update on that front. Welcome to the Chels & LT, Long-Distance Edition.  Suggestions and advice welcome.