Lo and behold, not only does it not hold a charge, it's completely jacked. The photo's look like a mix between a blazing fire and some sort of ghost-energy meter. I guess I've now made up my mind between getting a new battery or buying a new camera!
This, my dear amigas, is where I need your assistance...
What kind camera do you use? I preferably want a point-and-shoot, as much as I would love a DSLR or something it doesn't make sense right now, I don't have the time or money!
Getting another Sony would probably be my smartest route, since that's what my past 2 cameras have been, therefore I already have a couple memory cards. But I'm open to anything right now!
Along with telling me what camera you use, can you include:
How it charges (my most recent Cybershot had to be sat on a dock and then plugged into the wall which I thought was a pain)
How you get the photos onto your computer (camera cord, card reader, I even heard there's fancy cameras that can send them wirelessly?)
and anything else you want to mention.... how is the battery life, any special features, cool colors etc.
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I really really really appreciate it! I'm one of those people who researches online before I buy but we are going out of town this weekend and I would love to be able to bring a new camera with me then!

Oh no!!! That's awful :( I've gone through at least 3 or 4 cameras...
I can't remember what kind I have...I love it. Once I figure it out, I'll let you know! (And it was priced well)
I'll have to come back and check these comments, bc I totally need a new camera too!
I have a canon and I love it!
I have a Canon Power Shot and I love it. You plug the charger into a wall and take the battery out and put it in. It's easy. Takes great pics! Sorry to hear about your camera.
such a bummer! it always seems to happen when you need your camera the most (going out of town, a football game, ect!)
i have gone through 3 cybershots - and not because they were defaulted but because of human error (bf stepped on my purse and cracked the screen, an entire cranberry and vodka was poured on one, and the other got sand in it... whoops x3)
i love my cybershot - it is fairly inexpensive, the batteries are all interchangeable so i now have 3 batteries and i have a wall charger that just the battery goes in. i also have a flash drive that the memory card goes into - to upload them to my computer.
i hope this helps. let me know if you need any more tips... although all i know is the sony cybershot :)
Oh sad day!! (I had never bought a camera in my life until Christmas, my dad used to work for Konica-Minolta, so I got a new digital camera whenever I wanted... But now they are out of business.) I really needed a new camera and was scared to try a new brand, my dad bought me a Nikon CoolPix S570 for Christmas and I love it!
If you don't need something right.this.second. look online at www.bhphotovideo.com, they usually have discounts or specials going, my dad buys all his photography equipment at their store in NYC! Best Buy is also always having a sale. :)
I had a Canon Powershot for a long time, but recently upgraded to the new Olympus Pen Epl1, a fabulous camera which is a step between the point and shoots and the SLRs. I love it for the P&S nature, the helpful hints, the ability to change focus, aperature etc or keep the auto mode on. Only drawback: it was expensive.
I suggest one of the new Canon Powershots, I like this pink one with 14.1 mega pixels and 4x optical/digital zoom for $230 at Best Buy http://www.bestbuy.com/site/Canon+-+PowerShot+14.1-Megapixel+Digital+Camera+-+Pink/9771896.p?id=1218170522441&skuId=9771896&st=canon&cp=1&lp=5
Good luck finding a new camera!
Hey! Just found your blog, I am so sorry to hear about your camera, how frustrating!! I have a Cannon PowerShot.. have had it for a year and a half and still love it! The pictures are the best quality, its really simple to use, and you can edit pics on the actual camera. It has a battery charger doc that comes with it, and you just plug it into the computer to get pics... highly suggest it :) Hope this helps!
oh that stinks! I have Nikon D50 DSLR which I love, and a Canon Powershot 1100 or something I hate. This was my third or 4th powershot and I normally would highly recommend them however not this one - check the reviews on B&H before you buy one would be my recommendation
I am on my second sony powershot and wouldn't even consider getting another brand for point and shoot. Mine's a couple years old, and it had a battery charger that plugged into the wall. I always used the memory card adapter and just put it right into my laptop (I hate hooking up my camera to my computer and draining my battery). I absolutely love mine. I did just get a canon rebel, and I have to say it's much better...but it also cost at least 4 times as much ;) Good luck with your camera buying!!
I hate camera problems! Argh!!! I have a Canon Rebel that we NEVER use. It just takes TOO much effort and is big & bulky to lug around. I don't think I'll ever be a fabulous picture taker like so many bloggers! Ha! My point & shoot is a Nikon Cookpix and I hate it! It worked really well for the first six months but now it is all jacked up. I am sure that I've dropped it a time or two, but nothing too horrendous and it kind of makes me mad that it's broken already! I've only had it a year! Anyway, I'll have to deal with it's ghettoness for a while... so do report on your blog when you buy a new one! Because I'll be looking for one soon! BTW, my MIL and SIL both have Nikon Coolpix cameras that they don't LOVE either. So, maybe it's not just me! HA!
I use the Olympus Evolt E-500 SLR. I know you aren't too interested in an SLR, but I got mine on Craigslist for only $300, which also included a bag, 50 mm lense, the cord, charger, and original receipt.
Needless to say, this was a great deal. I love my SLR. Really, there is no comparison in terms of picture quality and shooting capability (in my opinion).
However, I would recommend going with a Cannon or Nikon. I prefer the picture quality of those cameras over my Olympus.
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